The AGC Annual Convention provides contractors the opportunity to gain business-critical insights into the issues most affecting their operations.
AGC brings together experts from across the industry to share their knowledge and help prepare contractors to meet the challenges of today (and tomorrow).
Maximizing Risk Transfer in Complex Construction Defect Claims
Thursday, March 21, 2024 - 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PST
Will S. Bennett, Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C.
Steven Cuneo, C.W. Driver
Complex construction defect claims implicate many facets of construction risk transfer. Between insurance and contractual risk transfer, a contractor can either set itself up for success in global resolution of the defect claims or for protracted litigation. This presentation will give participants practical tips for how to maximize risk transfer in these claim. The audience will learn about the significance of, amongst others, the following facets of construction defect risk transfer:
– When a claim is properly submitted under builders risk vs. general liability policies
– OCIPs vs. CCIPs vs. Traditional Annual Insurance
– How to utilize contractual indemnity rights to influence insurance claims
– The role of the general contractor’s corporate general liability program
– Wrap-up exclusions and their exceptions
– Policy limits demands and associated bad faith implications
– Blue Ridge and Buss reservations
The audience will learn how to avoid issues with each of these and gain a better understanding of how to identify them and address them proactively to leverage better outcomes.
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